• JUNE 12, 2020
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    Healthy teeth = Happy Child

    Even before your baby was born, you may have begun interviewing the pediatricians. Most parents-to-be understand that having a trusted doctor in place is an important part of planning for baby. And it’s true. It’s also true that a trusted dentist is vital to your child’s health care from his/her earliest days. Some parents thinkRead more
    • JUNE 12, 2020
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    Do baby teeth matter???

    Do baby teeth matter???

    The most common question we as pediatric dentists come across is ‘these are just the baby teeth, and are going to fall off one day, so is it necessary to take good care as the permanent one’s?’ Baby teeth are going to fall off one day but they paly a very important role in oralRead more
    • JUNE 12, 2020
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    How different is a pediatric dentist from a regular dentist?

    How different is a pediatric dentist from a regular dentist?

    Sometimes people underestimate pediatric dentists. They think all they need to do is have a few toys in corner, paint the walls some bright primary colors and have cartoons playing on a TV and voila, I am a pediatric dentist. The reality is different. Just as most people don’t think pediatricians are the same asRead more
    • JUNE 12, 2020
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    How to decide the correct amount of toothpaste for a child?

    How to decide the correct amount of toothpaste for a child?

    Taking too much of a toothpaste can not only make brushing uncomfortable for your child but can also be unhealthy or counterproductive. So then what’s the right amount???? Less is more – If your child is under the age 2, put only a smear of toothpaste on brush. It should be about the size ofRead more