Your child’s teeth are being affected by health and nutrition, even before the first teeth is in the oral cavity. Baby teeth serve an important role as they preserve the space and position for the adult teeth to follow.
Protecting your child’s oral cavity is part nutrition, part oral home care, part genetics and part professional care. Altogether these actions can help your child’s teeth serve them well for lifetime.
Today’s advancing technology can do lots to repair the damaged and decayed teeth. But why to go for repair when you can prevent???? Of course regular cleanings and good home care can be considered important part of preventive care plan; there’s another tool we can use to help protect your children’s teeth from decay. We call it sealant.
This procedure involves placing a protective cover over teeth that are in difficult to reach places, typically both sets of permanent molars and some baby teeth if they are in particular danger of getting cavities.
Procedure of sealant placement-
- The treatment is usually performed after we have cleaned the teeth.
- An acid etch material is applied to the teeth and the washed off.
- A coating of white colored resin is placed on the uneven surfaces of the back teeth till it fills up all the cracks where cavities are most likely to form.
- A special light is used to harden the resin.
The best time to consider this treatment –
- Usually the first set of permanent molars erupt around the age of 6 years which is the ideal time to get check up done for your kids to determine if sealants would be a good choice for him/her. The second molars erupt around the age 12 and should receive sealant protection as well.
To discuss your child’s requirements for sealants book an appointment today with KIDS DENTAL STUDIO 7202833900