When is a Space Maintainer Required for Children?

If your child has lost a baby tooth earlier than expected, you might hear your paediatric dentist mention the term “space maintainer.” While it might sound a bit technical, the concept is simple but vital. A space maintainer is a small dental device used to keep space open for permanent teeth to grow in properly. In this blog, we’ll dive into what a space maintainer is, why children need them, and how a space maintainer specialist at a Kids Dental Studio can guide you and your child through the process.

What Exactly is a Space Maintainer?

A space maintainer is a custom-made dental appliance designed to hold the spot left by a missing baby tooth. Baby teeth might seem temporary, but they play a big role in your child’s dental development. If one is lost too early—due to decay, injury, or extraction—it can lead to neighbouring teeth shifting into that space. This can crowd the area and block the proper eruption of the permanent tooth.

A paediatric dentist or space maintainer specialist can place a space maintainer to keep that area open until the permanent tooth is ready to come in. While it might seem like a small device, it plays a huge role in preventing future orthodontic problems.

Why Do Children Need Space Maintainers?

Children typically lose their baby teeth at set times as part of their natural growth. However, sometimes a tooth is lost prematurely. Here are some common reasons why that might happen:

  • Tooth Decay: Severe cavities may require the removal of a baby tooth.
  • Injury or Trauma: Kids can lose teeth unexpectedly due to accidents or falls.
  • Necessary Extraction: In some cases, a tooth may be extracted because it’s damaged beyond repair.

Without a space maintainer, the surrounding teeth may start to shift into the empty space, causing alignment issues. These shifts can make it harder for the permanent tooth to erupt in the right position, leading to crowding, crooked teeth, and a higher chance of needing braces. A paediatric dentist can help identify the need for a space maintainer early, potentially saving you and your child from more complicated dental work down the line.

How Does a Space Maintainer Work?

A space maintainer is designed to do exactly what its name suggests—maintain space. It’s a small but effective device that ensures other teeth stay in place and don’t crowd into the open spot left by a missing baby tooth. Here’s what you can expect during the process:

Step 1: Dental Evaluation

During your visit to a Kids Dental Clinic, the pediatric dentist will assess your child’s teeth to see if a space maintainer is needed. They may take X-rays to evaluate the alignment and development of surrounding teeth.

Step 2: Customising the Space Maintainer

If a space maintainer is necessary, the space maintainer specialist will create a custom device that fits your child’s mouth perfectly. Space maintainers can be made of metal or acrylic and come in two forms:

  • Fixed: This is cemented onto nearby teeth and cannot be removed by the child.
  • Removable: This type is like a retainer that can be taken out for cleaning.

Step 3: Fitting the Space Maintainer

Once the space maintainer is ready, it will be placed in your child’s mouth. If it’s a fixed maintainer, it will be attached to one of the neighbouring teeth to hold the spot securely. If it’s removable, your child will learn how to wear and care for it.

Step 4: Regular Check-Ups

After the space maintainer is in place, regular visits to the Kids Dental Clinic will be necessary to ensure the device is working well and that the permanent tooth is growing in correctly. The paediatric dentist will monitor your child’s progress and remove the space maintainer once it’s no longer needed.

Why Visit a Space Maintainer Specialist?

While general dentists can handle many aspects of paediatric dental care, seeing a space maintainer specialist offers certain advantages. Specialists have extensive experience in customising and placing these devices, ensuring they work as intended. They can also address any complications or challenges that arise during the treatment process.

At a Kids Dental Clinic, specialists focus on making sure your child’s teeth develop in the best way possible. They offer a child-friendly environment, helping to ease any anxieties your little one might have about dental visits.

Does a Space Maintainer Hurt?

One of the most common concerns parents have is whether a space maintainer will cause discomfort. Thankfully, these devices are usually well-tolerated by children. While your child may take a few days to get used to the feeling of the device, it should not cause pain. If your child does experience discomfort after placement, contact your paediatric dentist to make adjustments.

The Benefits of Space Maintainers

Opting for a space maintainer comes with several long-term benefits:

  • Prevents Shifting: By keeping the surrounding teeth in place, space maintainers reduce the likelihood of teeth crowding into the empty space.
  • Helps Avoid Orthodontic Problems: A well-placed space maintainer can help prevent the need for more extensive orthodontic treatments later.
  • Encourages Proper Dental Development: Space maintainers allow permanent teeth to erupt in the correct position, which promotes a healthier smile.

Types of Space Maintainers

There are different types of space maintainers, and your space maintainer specialist will determine which is best suited for your child. Here are the common types:

  • Band and Loop: This fixed maintainer uses a metal band around one tooth with a loop to hold the space.
  • Distal Shoe: Used for missing molars, this maintainer extends below the gum line to guide the tooth’s eruption.
  • Lingual Arch: This fixed appliance is used when multiple teeth are missing. It’s often anchored to the molars and stretches across the inside of the lower teeth.

The paediatric dentist will explain which option is best for your child’s situation.

How Long Does a Child Need to Wear a Space Maintainer?

The duration your child will need to wear the space maintainer depends on how quickly the permanent tooth is ready to erupt. It could range from a few months to a year. Regular dental visits will help the space maintainer specialist track the progress and remove the device when it’s no longer needed.

Caring for a Space Maintainer

Good oral hygiene is essential for children with space maintainers. Here are some tips:

  • Brush and Floss Regularly: Ensure your child keeps up with regular brushing and flossing to prevent plaque buildup around the space maintainer.
  • Avoid Sticky Foods: Foods like gum, caramel, or taffy can get stuck in the appliance and dislodge it.
  • Keep Up with Dental Check-Ups: Routine visits to the Kids Dental Clinic will ensure the device stays in place and functions as intended.


Space maintainers are more than just small dental devices—they play an essential role in guiding the healthy development of your child’s smile. If your child has lost a baby tooth too early, a space maintainer specialist at a trusted clinic like Kids Dental Studio can provide the right solution to ensure the permanent teeth come in properly. Taking care of this early on can help avoid more complicated orthodontic treatments in the future. So, if you’re concerned about early tooth loss, talk to a paediatric dentist at Kids Dental Studio today!


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